"The purpose of governance is to provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for education and financial performance."
Governors' Role
The Governing Body has three core strategic functions:
Our Governors
Governing bodies are made up of people drawn from different parts of the community - parents and staff, representatives of the Church, the wider community and the Local Authority. This helps to ensure that the Governing Body has a wide range of skills and experience.
The Governing body is constituted in accordance with our Instrument of Government a legal document held by Gloucestershire County Council. Our Governing Body is formed of:
Current Governor Vacancies: We currently have 2 foundation governor vacancies.
Click here for full governing body declarations of interest.
Being a church school means that the majority of our Governors are appointed by the Diocese on the recommendation of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and are known as Foundation Governors.
Individual Governors do not represent any specific group on the governing body. For example, Parent Governors do not represent the parents at the school, nor do they report back to them. It is their own experience as a parent that is important.
What is the role of the Governing Body?
The full governing body meets six times a year. This is to discuss such matters as the School Development Plan, policies, and school performance including analysing data. Governors also sit on committees, these meet once or twice a term. These are:
Each of these have Terms of Reference. Click on the committees above to access these.
Governors visit the school and visits include talking to subject leaders and discussing progress in the subject, watching lessons and attending school events. These visits enable governors to have an in depth knowledge of the school. Click here to read the Governor Visit Policy
The governors operate within a Code of Conduct. It covers the basic principles of Governance, and includes guidelines on commitment, working relationships, confidentiality, conduct, training, mentoring, meetings and visiting the school. The Governing Body also has a set of Standing Orders, which are the agreed procedures that the Governing Body operates within, and a register of interests.
Governors are accountable to parents and the wider community for the quality of education provided, and are responsible for producing an annual statement which describes the key issues that have been faced and addressed over the last year and assesses the impact of the Governing Body on the school.
The approved minutes of Governors’ meetings are held in the school office for anyone to read, as well as contact numbers for all governors and their responsibilities.
The governing body must publish a Statement of Behaviour Principles to guide the headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline among pupils, as described in the Education and Inspections Act (2006).
Contact us
Any Governor can be contacted through the Clerk to the Governors, Sarah Lorkin or via the school office.
Mrs Sarah Lorkin
Clerk to the Governing Body
Email: [email protected]
Horsley CoE (VA) Primary School
The Street
Tel: 01453 833625
School Office Email: [email protected]
Governor attendance at meetings is recorded here for the 2024-2025 academic year and below for the previous academic year.
The Governing Body has three core strategic functions:
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff
- Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
Our Governors
Governing bodies are made up of people drawn from different parts of the community - parents and staff, representatives of the Church, the wider community and the Local Authority. This helps to ensure that the Governing Body has a wide range of skills and experience.
The Governing body is constituted in accordance with our Instrument of Government a legal document held by Gloucestershire County Council. Our Governing Body is formed of:
- 7 Foundation Governors
- 2 Staff Governors (including the Headteacher)
- 2 Parent Governors
- 1 LA Governor
- 2 Associate Members
Current Governor Vacancies: We currently have 2 foundation governor vacancies.
Click here for full governing body declarations of interest.
Being a church school means that the majority of our Governors are appointed by the Diocese on the recommendation of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and are known as Foundation Governors.
Individual Governors do not represent any specific group on the governing body. For example, Parent Governors do not represent the parents at the school, nor do they report back to them. It is their own experience as a parent that is important.
What is the role of the Governing Body?
The full governing body meets six times a year. This is to discuss such matters as the School Development Plan, policies, and school performance including analysing data. Governors also sit on committees, these meet once or twice a term. These are:
- Curriculum and Standards Terms of Reference - Chair Steve Huggett
- Finance & Resources Terms of Reference - Chair Michael Vaughan
- Community & Values Terms of Reference - Chair Catherine Beard
Each of these have Terms of Reference. Click on the committees above to access these.
Governors visit the school and visits include talking to subject leaders and discussing progress in the subject, watching lessons and attending school events. These visits enable governors to have an in depth knowledge of the school. Click here to read the Governor Visit Policy
The governors operate within a Code of Conduct. It covers the basic principles of Governance, and includes guidelines on commitment, working relationships, confidentiality, conduct, training, mentoring, meetings and visiting the school. The Governing Body also has a set of Standing Orders, which are the agreed procedures that the Governing Body operates within, and a register of interests.
Governors are accountable to parents and the wider community for the quality of education provided, and are responsible for producing an annual statement which describes the key issues that have been faced and addressed over the last year and assesses the impact of the Governing Body on the school.
The approved minutes of Governors’ meetings are held in the school office for anyone to read, as well as contact numbers for all governors and their responsibilities.
The governing body must publish a Statement of Behaviour Principles to guide the headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline among pupils, as described in the Education and Inspections Act (2006).
Contact us
Any Governor can be contacted through the Clerk to the Governors, Sarah Lorkin or via the school office.
Mrs Sarah Lorkin
Clerk to the Governing Body
Email: [email protected]
Horsley CoE (VA) Primary School
The Street
Tel: 01453 833625
School Office Email: [email protected]
Governor attendance at meetings is recorded here for the 2024-2025 academic year and below for the previous academic year.
Name | 14th December 2023 | 1st Feb 2024 | 7th March 2024 | 16th May 2024 | 4th July 2024 |
Catherine Beard | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Caroline Bland | N | A | Y | A | Y |
Mark Carden | Y | N | A | A | N/A |
Steve Huggett | Y | Y | Y | Y | A |
Kathy Lee | A | N | N | N | N |
Gary Price | Y | Y | A | Y | Y |
Dan Robinson | Y | Y | A | N/A | N/A |
David Savage (Chair) | Y | Y | A | Y | Y |
Mike Vaughan | N | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Joanne Kerry | A | A | A | A | A |
Andrew Garment | Y | A | Y | Y | Y |
Sarah Beskeen | Y | Y | Y | Y | A |
Ronnie Whittington | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Meet the Governors
David Savage
I have lived in the village for 25 years and both of my daughters went to Horsley School. I am a management consultant with broad-ranging experience across both the private and public sector, and have worked in many countries. I am looking forward to helping the school in any way that I can.
Sarah Lorkin
Clerk to the Governors Joined the team in 2022 |
Having returned back home following my time at Lancaster University, I worked for Renishaw for 8 years before becoming a stay-at-home mum. I live in Coaley with my husband and two daughters where we all get involved in the village in whatever ways we can. I felt it was time to do something to keep me busy which fits around our family life and so am delighted to be involved in Horsley school.
Mike Vaughan
I am a Chartered Civil Engineer specialising in water and the natural environment, with the London 2012 Olympics, HS2 rail, and Hinkley Point power station on my CV. I sit on the Finances and Resources committee and am Health and Safety governor. My background, away from education, offers a unique input to the governing body, particularly in the STEM subjects.
Jo Everett
As both class teacher and SEND co-ordinator, I believe I bring a unique perspective to this role, and am committed to fostering a culture of collaboration, transparency and accountability within the Governing Body. I am passionate about supporting the ongoing professional development of staff and the continuous improvement of student outcomes. I am grateful for this opportunity to contribute to the governance of Horsley School, and am eager to collaborate with my colleagues on the school board, to ensure our school thrives, both now and in the future.
Steve Huggett
I have lived in Horsley for nearly 25 years and both of my sons went to the school. I've just retired from a career in special educational needs, where I worked first as an Educational Psychologist and then as a manager of SEN services for Local Authorities. More recently I have worked for the Department for Education as a member of their national SEND adviser team and also as Director of the Autism Education Trust.
Reverend Caroline Bland
I am Ex-officio Governor and Vicar of St. Martin’s Church and the Benefice of Nailsworth. Prior to ordination as a priest I worked in education, supporting children with special educational needs in the school setting and the wider community and then as a primary school teacher.
It is a privilege to be a member of the governing body, taking an active role in ensuring the Christian ethos of the school. I am committed to supporting the Headteacher and staff as they work to bring good education and each pupil to their full potential. |
Andrew Garment
I am a qualified Chartered Accountant with over 15 years' experience working previously as a Management Accountant and now as a Data Analyst, with a leading multinational building materials company. My wife and I relocated to Nailsworth in 2018 and loved the community and welcoming feel of Horsley. We now have two children, who are both thriving at Horsley School. We therefore wanted to contribute to the school and village life in any way we could, with my wife also involved in Friends of Horsley School (FHS). I am looking forward to bringing my skills to the finance committee as well as the general board, to give Horsley School a bright and vibrant future.
Sarah Beskeen
Parent Governor Current Term of Office 6.10.23 - 5.10.27 |
I am a dentist, working in Bath and am involved with training and mentoring newly qualified dentists. I have experience of clinical governance and audit and also been involved in organising postgraduate conferences and training. My daughter attends Horsley School and my son, the playgroup. As a family we've found Horsley to be a lovely and welcoming place and look forward to more involvement in school life.
Gary Price
Having devoted the first part of my career to music education, I’ve spent the last ten years working in a diverse range of primary schools and loved every minute of it! When I’m not working, I’m either being a dad, lane swimming in the early hours, tinkering on the piano, or tending my prized herbaceous borders.
Catherine Beard
Foundation Governor Current Term of Office from 01.12.22 - 30.11.26 Ronnie Whittington
I was elected as a Parent Governor at the start of 2021. I worked in professional services for over a decade managing operations from marketing to learning, compliance to finance.
I am a keen cook, love languages, travel and literature and enjoy exploring the area more local to home together with Rosie, our dog. We have only lived in the village for 1 year, but we are excited to be part of a vibrant school and community, with 3 children currently in years 6, 3 and 1. I have worked at the Department for Education for the past 5 years across a number of different policy areas and I am also a Trustee at the Stroud Community Agriculture, working specifically on education outreach. I am looking forward to using this experience to support the school in any way I can.
Previous Governors
Rev Mike Smith Ex Officio - resigned February 2018
Linda Natrasse Foundation Governor - resigned January 2018
Gareth Tomkinson Parent Governor - resigned September 2018
Daniel Woodhead Parent Governor - resigned September 2018
Sue Sobczak Foundation Governor - resigned January 2019
Catherine McDermott Parent Governor - resigned October 2019
Jenny Bowers Parent Governor - resigned May 2020
Jo Moore Local Authority Governor - resigned July 2021
Mags Ratford Chair of Governors - resigned December 2021
Julia Finlow Parent Governor - resigned August 2022
Pete Feldon Staff Governor - resigned November 2022
Rebecca Hocking Parent Governor - resigned August 2023
Dan Robinson Foundation Governor - resigned April 2024
Mark Carden - Associate member - resigned May 2024
Kathy Lee - Foundation Governor - resigned August 2024
Joanne Kerry - Staff Governor - resigned December 2024
Rev Mike Smith Ex Officio - resigned February 2018
Linda Natrasse Foundation Governor - resigned January 2018
Gareth Tomkinson Parent Governor - resigned September 2018
Daniel Woodhead Parent Governor - resigned September 2018
Sue Sobczak Foundation Governor - resigned January 2019
Catherine McDermott Parent Governor - resigned October 2019
Jenny Bowers Parent Governor - resigned May 2020
Jo Moore Local Authority Governor - resigned July 2021
Mags Ratford Chair of Governors - resigned December 2021
Julia Finlow Parent Governor - resigned August 2022
Pete Feldon Staff Governor - resigned November 2022
Rebecca Hocking Parent Governor - resigned August 2023
Dan Robinson Foundation Governor - resigned April 2024
Mark Carden - Associate member - resigned May 2024
Kathy Lee - Foundation Governor - resigned August 2024
Joanne Kerry - Staff Governor - resigned December 2024