Enquiry Approaches and Skills
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Science Vision
At Horsley Primary School we believe in exploration, questioning and investigating! We are helping to develop tomorrow’s scientific thinkers!
Scientific investigation is one of the most powerful ways to learn; developing curiosity and perseverance as well as challenging what we know about the world.
The National Curriculum for Science is taught in termly blocks in each year group and, where possible, it is linked to our enquiry based curriculum. This allows children to link their learning to real life contexts and give meaning to their learning. We aim to make Science as practical as possible, using recording only when it adds meaning to our investigations.
Science lessons aren’t just limited to the classroom... we make use of the great outdoors, as well as organising visits and visitors to enhance the children's experience.
Scientific investigation is one of the most powerful ways to learn; developing curiosity and perseverance as well as challenging what we know about the world.
The National Curriculum for Science is taught in termly blocks in each year group and, where possible, it is linked to our enquiry based curriculum. This allows children to link their learning to real life contexts and give meaning to their learning. We aim to make Science as practical as possible, using recording only when it adds meaning to our investigations.
Science lessons aren’t just limited to the classroom... we make use of the great outdoors, as well as organising visits and visitors to enhance the children's experience.
Students can explore further the areas covered in school using the links below to BBC Bitsize